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Predicting with Power Outage Dataset

by Hae In Lee

What are we predicting? We can essentially predict anything we want to know about this dataset !

Before we dive into predicting anything, let’s try to familiarize ourselves with the dataset using the following question:


What is this dataset about?

This dataset comes from Purdue University’s LASCI Research Data on Power Outages in the US, by state, from January 2000 to July 2016. It provides information on the geographical locations of these events, regional climate data, land-use patterns, electricity consumption trends, and the economic characteristics of the states impacted by these outages.

Why is this dataset even worth looking at? And how does it help answer our question?

The dataset is important for identifying trends in power outages and could help improve strategies for preventing and mitigating future disruptions.

This question helps understand the causes of power outages can help states and utility companies make effective choices when power outages occur. They can focus on improving infrastructure in areas most affected by specific causes like strengthening power grids in regions prone to weather-related outages. They can create a comprehensive emergency response planning, since different situations may require different strategies. They can also plan resource allocation by helping states identify which outages are likely to have the most significant impact on the population.

General overview of the dataset

In total, there are 1534 rows and 55 columns (variables). For our analysis purposes, we will only be looking at a couple of the variables

This chart shows the columns for analysis

Columns from Power Outage Dataset Description
YEAR Indicates the year when the outage event occurred
U.S._STATE Represents all the states in the continental U.S.
CAUSE.CATEGORY Categories of all the events causing the major power outages
OUTAGE.DURATION Duration of outage events (in minutes)
CUSTOMERS.AFFECTED Number of customers affected by the power outage event
TOTAL.CUSTOMERS Annual number of total customers served in the U.S. state
POPULATION Population in the U.S. state in a year

Dataset Cleaning & Analysis

To use the data from the columns, we first need to clean them up.

First, I dropped all the columns I will not be using for the analysis. I kept only seven columns, YEAR, U.S._STATE, OUTAGE.DURATION, CAUSE.CATEGORY, CUSTOMERS.AFFECTED, TOTAL.CUSTOMERS, POPULATION

2011 Minnesota 3060 severe weather 70000 2.5957e+06 5.34812e+06
2014 Minnesota 1 intentional attack nan 2.64074e+06 5.45712e+06
2010 Minnesota 3000 severe weather 70000 2.5869e+06 5.3109e+06
2012 Minnesota 2550 severe weather 68200 2.60681e+06 5.38044e+06
2015 Minnesota 1740 severe weather 250000 2.67353e+06 5.48959e+06

Univariant Analysis

This bar chart visualizes the distribution of power outage causes by category, showing the number of outages for each cause.

This map shows how power outages, in terms of customers affected, are distributed across the U.S. states. It identifies regions where the most significant disruptions occur (e.g., high-impact states are shaded darker).

Bivariant Analysis

This bar chart shows how changes in the cause of outages (across years) influence the total number of customers affected. Each bar represents a year, with the different cause categories (e.g., Weather, Human Error, Equipment Failure) stacked next to each other to show the proportion of customers affected by each cause.

Interesting Aggregates

Remember our initial question : Which cause category is most responsible for power outages in different states?

To help us answer this after seeing the visualizations of our data, I thought it would be helpful to group ‘CAUSE.CATEGORY’ and ‘U.S._STATES’ columns, sum the ‘CUSTOMERS.AFFECTED,’ to see how many customers were affected by outages in each state, broken down by the cause of the outage.

equipment failure AK 14273
equipment failure AR 0
equipment failure AZ 167000
equipment failure CA 1.39026e+06
equipment failure DE 18400

Then, I pivoted the table to better analyze the relationship between the cause categories (e.g., Weather, Human Error, Equipment Failure) and the U.S. states, showing how each cause affects the number of customers in each state.

U.S._STATE equipment failure fuel supply emergency intentional attack islanding public appeal severe weather system operability disruption
AK 14273 nan nan nan nan nan nan
AL nan nan 0 nan nan 471644 nan
AR 0 nan 9200 0 54094 556466 nan
AZ 167000 nan 2713 nan nan 180911 229000
CA 1.39026e+06 0 127920 131019 0 2.05794e+07 3.34489e+06

Imputation & Missing Values

I did not conduct any imputation on the missing values since the ‘NaN’ values represent missing data in the dataset, which could be due to various reasons like no reported outages for specific causes, irrelevance of certain causes for particular states, or gaps in the data collection process. However, having said that, either filling them with zeros or mean or median values could be valid depending on different analysis needs and goals.

# Prediction Problem Now that we are acquainted with our dataset thanks to our initial question, “Which cause category is most responsible for power outages in different states?”

### Prediction question “Can we predict the number of customers affected based on the cause and duration of the outage?”

Baseline Model

Because my prediction problem is a regression problem, I started with using a linear regression base model with Mean Absolute Error, Root Mean Squared Error, and R-squared metrics. Linear Regression assumes a linear relationship between the features and the target and the metrics gives model’s predictive performance and its ability to explain the variance in the target variable.


Two Features:

  1. CAUSE.CATEGORY (Nominal feature)
  2. OUTAGE.DURATION (Quantitative feature)


Baseline Model Metric Results:

These performance results are BAD. Mean Absolute Error shows that the predictions are off by about 129,084 customers. This is a significant amount, suggesting that the model isn’t providing accurate predictions.

Root Mean Squared Error shows the model is making large errors in some cases.

R-squared shows that the model explains only about 13.1% of the variance in the target variable, which is quite low, suggesting that the model is not capturing much of the underlying patterns in the data and is not very predictive.

Some of the reaons why I think the results turned out so poorly is that maybe the variables have weak correlations and they may have non-linear relationships.

Final Model

Since my results from my baseline model was so poor, I decided to make my own columns using the given data to make a stronger and effective impact.

Newly Added Features

  1. The first feature I created was ‘OUTAGE_SEVERITY’ = ‘OUTAGE.DURATION’ * ‘CUSTOMERS.AFFECTED’
    • I thought this was an important feature to add since it covers and combines both the duration of the outage time and how many people it affected
    • These two factors are crucial to predicting the total impact of an outage
  2. The second feature I created was ‘POP_DENSITY’ = (‘POPDEN_URBAN’ + ‘POPDEN_RURAL’ + ‘POPDEN_UC’) / 3
    • I thought this was an important feature to add since it helps model how the location and concentration of people affects the number of customers impacted

Modeling Algorithm

Hyperparameter, Best Parameter, GridSearchCV

n_estimators = [50, 100, 200]:

max_depth = [100, 10, 20]:

max_features: sqrt

Final Model Metric Results:

These graphs compare the metric results of Baseline and Final Models.


Based on the final evaluation metrics, there was a huge improvement from the baseline model evaluation metrics. This means that the final model can reasonably predict the number of customers affected by an outage, but it is not perfect. The R^2 score suggests a good fit, but, as always, there is obviously room for improvement. The next steps would require exploring and finding different ways of reducting the large prediction errors, shown by the high value of Root Mean Squared Error.